Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Nice Long Holiday

This week, finally know that lessons will commence on the 15th of Jan 2007, still have one and a half months of rest. Counting the number of weeks for my holidays, it is around 10 weeks plus, since 2003, I haven't have such a long break. Just so strange, we should have studied for at least 9 months per year, but end up studying for half a year and resting half a year.

The past few weeks have been happy, went to many places and did a lot of things I want to do. Sometimes though, I feel so empty, don't know what am I doing, why I am doing those things? I can't say I have been through a lot but somehow I just feel so weird. At times, I wonder why am I in such a state, I should be like this and not likt that. Fortunately, I have never experience being ditched or jitted yet, or face "betrayal" by my lover.

I actually more than once thought about being on a relationship with a girl, but if it have to end up in vain, what is the use? Afterall, is it that important to experience such things at an early age. I know people will laugh when I say that 21 years old is early, but I am just not ready physically and emotionally to deal with such issues. I feel that you can like someone and the person will not like you, but you cannot force someone to like you.

I distinguish between affectuations and love clearly, so the sort of admiration and liking that we feel for the person is different from love for your lover. Too bad, nowadays, few people realize that love does not mean that you must say it out to your partner , your simple acts of concern and not possessing that person is love in my view. Affectuations are just feelings of admiration and liking for a person, they are periodic in nature, you can have many affectuations but only one or two love in your entire life.

Well, why am I talking about all these? I have never been in a relationship or loved someone before, perhaps my narrow view is wrong. Must be too free, that is why have such weird thoughts. Anyway, right now, I will never have a stead, I am very sure of that. Alright, I end here now.

1 comment:

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