Saturday, December 16, 2006

2 Weeks Liao

Well, two weeks have past, a lot of events happened. Got my results on 6 Dec 2006, about 2 weeks ago, was satisfied with it. Initially thought that I will fail my Business Computing module, but luckily I passed. I got 2 HD( High Distinctions) and 2 CR(Credits), equivalent to 2 'A's and 2 'C's, how nice if it was the grade for my A levels, then I would not have been disappointed then. Anyway, I dare not be complacent or be too overjoyed as there are 6 more sems to go. Suddenly, I feel so relaxed, at least I know I deserved such good grades as I have worked hard for it, sounds like I am really conceited, or in Chinese known as 自负, but I really spend at least 3 hours each day studying at SIM during SEM 1. Next sem is full time studies , and subsequently is part time studies. Looking forward to another sem of new knowledege and work.

Yesterday, just went out with my family for a meal to celebrate my birthday. I am the type that do not have any friends to celebrate my birthday with me. I am used to it, at least I have my family celebrating it with me, unlike some who do not have parents to celebrate with them or their parents forgetting their birthday. Whenever I read about people talking about celebrating their birthday with friends, I am full of envy and it really sounds like fun. Not that nobody care about me, just that I do not have much friends. Logically, birthday might just be another day, you still eat, sleep, do the necessary stuff. Somehow, we as humans see it as a significant day as it is the day when we first enter this fascinating world and came to know ourselves as humans.

I am not trying to impress anyone with my strange thoughts, it is just that I like to think a lot. I am a bit like datoufen , a character created by Peifen recently in the programme " The world of datoufen" aired on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 pm. Howver dtf is so cute, I am just a plain looking guy who do not yearn for much except to meet my goals I set for myself in life. I do not need much people to understand me, just don't force me to do things that I do not like. Frankly speaking, I find that my standard of English is below average, even in this blog, there are grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. To me, the usage of bombastic words or imagery or similes are just to attract attention , let people know that you have a lot of "ink" . In Chinese, we called it 有墨水 。

I am more apt at using Mandarin than English, partly it is because I am exposed to Chinese media more often. I feel that it is best for a person can use his mother tongue to converse with friends of the same race and use English in their jobs. I do not yearn to be like some people who speaks fluent English very proficiently, but I do not want to feel lost when it comes to speaking English. I don't know how I fare in speaking English, but I know I am quite proficient when it comes to speaking Mandarin.

Recently went to stomp, which is a forum set up by The Straits Times. I am particularly interested in the "I confess " list of threads. I came across a thread saying that "Many Singaporeans are Lame, I am going to migrate" by a person who sign off as Emo. I guess from her other threads she started , she must be from a prestigious girls school in her Secondary school days and unfortunately faced some really unpleasant incidents with her peers. That is why she is rather oblivious to the fact that the Singaporeans she termed as lame, ( and the reason might be we use Singlish?) , are actually not lame at all, what is lame is her peers throwing penknifes at her because she failed her Chinese test. I guessed they must also have called her a Banana women, "white inside, yellow outside".

I empathise with her for going through this, but the point is that she have expressed her unhappiness to the wrong group of people. Singlish is no doubt not a communication tool for formal occasions and in your job, but we cannot deny it s existence and say that those who use Singlish are lame. Besides, a forum is an interactive and less formal platform for stompers to pen their views, as long as we know when to use Singlish and when to use English, it is alright. I do not object to using fluent English in less formal occasions, but please do not think that by using standard English, you are high above the others. Sometimes, it is that we prefer to use Singlish as it is closer to our hearts.

Some stompers turn stomp forums into battle zones where they argue and debate with each other. What I feel is no point feeling so frustrated, you don't even know who is on the other side, you can rebuke , but please do not have any personal attacks or pen down too sensitive views. I saw a comment of my stomper that he/she hate a group of people and Singapore have 80 % of them. I know who he is referring to, being in that group of people he "hate", I am frustrated, but after a while, I thought about it, I don't even know who he is, and besides he hate that group of people, who knows how many from that group of people hate him too.

I just feel that it is a bit dangerous to post such comments, you can write it on your diary or keep it to yourself, but try not to post such racist comments. All it takes is just one brainless comment to spark a potential racial riot in Singapore. If that happened, the hard work and the constsnt reminders for us to live in harmony will be futile. I know it is too idealistic to let people of different races not have differences, but we could try to be tolerant and be less myopic.

3 more weeks of holidays and it is study time again, blog about so much thoughts about forums , it is so weird. Alright, I end here now.

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