Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Recently, discover more and more people have expressed their complaints in the media. On the Sunday times, there is a reader who complained against Burger King advertising in the movie Spiderman 3. After reading his comment, I feel bewildered, what is the fact that Tobey Macguire being a vegetarian got to do with the ad by Burger King? He mentioned that having fast food advertisements in movies will encourage consumption of fast food by children, leading to health problems such as obesity. No doubt having too much fast food is bad for health, does the removal of fast food advertisements really solve the problem brought about by fast food. Could we further say that we should stop having fast food ads on TV? I am not making a personal attack against that concerned parent but just find that his comment is made without much thought. Moreover, by writing to the forum will not solve the "problem”, he should reflect to the Media Development Authority of Singapore.

Next, it is about the comments by viewers in the local magazines. I have been an avid fan of "I- weekly", a magazine discussing the Chinese movie and TV scene. In one of the sections, it allows viewers to voice their opinions. Find that there are a lot of smart alecks who make personal attacks against a particular actress, and often making baseless comments about her behaviour. I feel so sad for the actress, after all she have been in the local scene for more than a decade, and used to be the most sought after star. Now because she is older, a lot of people are 'attacking; her. Indeed we each have our likes and dislikes; we can dislike a particular actor or actress, but find it a bit too much to make a personal attack on him or her.Personally, I also complain about some drama serials, but I won't go to the extent to write bad things about them.

After all, acting is also a profession; would we like ourselves to be bombarded with negative comments in our work? For those who make negative comments before, please try to think before resorting to such childish actions. Being an actor is inevitable to be under the scrutiny of many eyes, but they do need motivation. By making such negative comments will only make them unhappy and not able to perform well. If you are so great, try to act yourself, then I will see how good you really are.Aiyah, really feel so sad for these people, they thought they are right, when they are in fact wrong. Alright, I end here now.

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