Saturday, May 12, 2007

All this While

It has been almost two months since I last blog. Partly it is because of academic stuff; partly it is just that I am not in the mood to blog. I now can understand why some bloggers do not blog for months, they are not in the mood or too busy. I know not many people visit my blog; in the first place, my purpose is not to attract readers, just to pen down thoughts, some which are instantaneous, some which are "plan" beforehand. I admit my standard of English is really below average but I feel that as long as I understand what I am writing, it doesn't matter.Just finished my exams this Friday, it was okay, and I will get to know the results only on 060607. Next sem onwards, classes are conducted in the evenings. The most logical thing to do is to find myself a job, if possible an accounting related job, however I have not worked before perhaps no employer is willing to employ me. Anyway, I am no longer so ignorant anymore, so must somehow make the best out of the remaining 2.5 years as a student. Let's see how it goes.

In April, catch a cartoon on DVD; it is titled the adventures of McDull (麦兜). It is about a piglet name McDull and his childhood experiences. If the story was this plain, it will be boring. However, the scriptwriter through the main character talks about the lifes of Hongkongers. Though I am living in Hong Kong, I still feel a sense of warmth and belonging, because the film did bring out some of the innocent childhood experiences most children will have. There was a scene where his mother bought a turkey for Christmas Eve dinner, McDull was really excited and imagine how tasty the turkey will be. Initially, he was elated when he taste the turkey, however, subsequently when he eat it everyday for months, he became so sick of it. Of course, the film is exaggerating the scene, how can a person eat turkey for months, the meat would be so hard by then. I am not very good at describing the scene, for all those who are interested; maybe you can get yourself the DVD. It is enjoyable yet meaningful. It has been a long time since I watch an enjoyable and meaningful Mandarin cartoon.

In the film, there was mention of a traditional ritual in Chang Zhou, Hong Kong of "Snatching the bun" or in Chinese known as" 抢包山" . It goes like this, there are huge towers filled with buns, and villagers will tend to snatch the most buns for good luck and fortune. I was not aware of this before watching the film.No offence to anyone, but I feel that watching this type of cartoon beats watching films that depicts explicit scenes of violence and sex. Personally, I do not like to watch action movies, find that they are meaningless, maybe in this world there are no heroes or villains, only kind hearted people and evil-doers. However, the purpose of movies is to entertain people, so I am not saying that films that depict sex and violence are to be banned. In my opinion, I just do not prefer them. Find that as a blogger, I have to be careful with what I write, because if it leads to misunderstanding, then it not only defeats the purpose of blogging, it made people more restricted. So those who happened to read my blog, do not get the wrong idea, I do not wish to get into trouble over what I wrote.

On the last week of April, I got to know about the screening of "Eternal Summer". It is a controversial Taiwanese film about guy-guy relationship. Actually, if we view the film in a neutral state of mind, there is nothing to be disgusted about. However, I do not dare to watch this type of film; firstly it is my parents will object, secondly, I just feel weird. I am neutral to the idea but thinking and seeing is different. Well, at least we are becoming more tolerant as a society. Personally, I do not have any of such friends, but I guess they are also human beings, also need people to respect them. I guess that is about it, will blog next time. Alright, I end here now.

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