Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Normal Week

8 more weeks and I will be embarking on a new phase in my life. This week have been normal, nothing much, just plain normal. Yesterday, just performed duty clerk, I guess that is my duty clerk falling on weekend, my last weekend duty. On friday, my family and I went to Macperson food centre to have dinner to celebrate my mother's birthday. It was quite memorable not only because it is the first tome we dine at 8:30p.m in a food centre but aslo because of the dshes. The fish, kangkong and even the sotong (squid) are all spicy, making us really ' hot' inside. It is a bit too hard to accept but nevertheless they are quite tasty, I will remeber this outing because it is my first time tasting such a combo of spicy dishes. Life is peaceful for me luckily all this while. I think a normal week for me is this week , family outing, nights off and duty. Alright, I end here now.

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