Saturday, June 17, 2006


It has been really fast, I have been in SGC for 2 years liao! 2 years ago, I am still a blur cock, now it is so different, a lot of things have changed, even the friendship I have with the girl I have a good impression of. Now she has alraedy have a bf, no point writing to her anymore lest there are ununecessary misunderstandings. Anyway, these 2 years have been a turning point in my life. From someone who is cocky and timid to a person more confident and humble. From someone who used to despise poly students to being great friends with them and being viewed as a poly student. I discovered that when it comes to friends, anyone can be my friend, it is just that I used to be cool and aloof. Poly students are more open and straightforward, it is really relaxing to be their friends.

In the span of 2 years, I learnt to be more brave and yet assertive. A lot of changes occurred, the transformation of a training centre to a training institute, the unsuccessful re-examination, the change of job scope. Although everything will be resetted after I ORD, it is an experience afterall. I also went to Thailand for once and experienced life overseas for 2 weeks.

I used to be perfectionistic and idealistic but the current me is more realistic and optimistic.
Though there are really miserable times, there are times of extreme happiness and joy. It is a learning period and a period of discovery as I am put to life challenges. I used to be someone indifferent and perhaps slightly autistic. Actually, sometimes, it is not others that boycott me rather it is my cool and aloof nature that shuns them away from me.

I believe these 2 years enable me to better survuve in the Universuty and the society. I still have a lot to learn from others. Alright, I edn here now.

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