Sunday, June 10, 2007


"Happiness" What exactly is happiness? According to, it is the state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Seems to me it is not just being happy, it can vary from being contented to a state of euphoria. In Chinese, we have a saying: “知足常乐 ”。How apt it is used to describe the happiness we want. It covers the aspect of contentment, that if we feel contended, we will achieve happiness.

I am not one that is contented with my life, which is why I am unhappy at times. I have seen many who are contented and have a happy and jovial outlook towards life. I am trying hard to make do with those "flaws" that I possess, to disregard those unfulfilled desires, to be cheerful and jovial. Thought I had made some progress through the years, at times feel that I could do more. I have never bothered to understand what is intense joy, sadness, disappointment, or exhilaration before in the past. What is the feeling of intense joy like, is it as if you do not have any troubles, what can I do to attain this state of mind? I guessed many people have experienced intense joy, what is different is the definition of intense joy to them.

On Friday, listen to world of DTF at 8:30 p.m. At the end of it, DTF tell us a very simple principle, that happiness can be very simple. Happenings that occur in everyday life can serve as mementos in the future. I totally agreed to it, in the past, found myself in real misery by always focusing on the flaws and unattainable desires of life, now a simple dinner out with my family can be so heartening and enjoyable. Indeed, if you are not so idealistic, happiness can be simple, and it can be attained when you are happy.

However to me, to attain happiness, I guessed there is still a long way to go. I am currently happy, but failed to be in a state of euphoria. Of course not many will differentiate happy and happiness. I define happiness as a calm and euphoric state of mind in which you are contented and blessed, and happy as being glad, ecstatic, jubilant and exhilarated. A state of well being need not be applied to physical health, it can be used on mental health as well. Maybe to me, I am still a perfectionist to some extent, tend to want to do everything to my most ideal manner. Alright, I end here now.

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