Sunday, January 14, 2007


After 2 months of break, to be exact is 62 days of holidays, I am back to studies again. This week have been tiring but not busy though, since Monday till yesterday, it has been lessons in the afternoon everyday. I don't know why they arrange for lessons to be conducted in the afternoons when we are the least effective at learning after lunch. In JC times, I remebered there are no lectures in the afternoon as the teachers know that most students will feel sleepy after a meal.

However, in tertiary institutions, time is precious, so often it is hard to arrange lessons mostly in the mornings. I believe in the local Universities, they also practise the system of having lectures in the afternoons. I have to get used to it, as two of lectures fall on two afternoons during weekdays. Talking about my new semester at SIM. It is nothing different from last semester, taking 4 subjects and having one lecture allocated to one day. I believe I am lucky to have such an arrangement as I am the type who cannot concentrate on too many subjects at one go. At SIM, the students from my course take 4 subjects at the most per semester, it is really manageable to me .

For this new semester, there is one module "Commercial Law" that I find rather dry and difficult, it is about contractual and company laws. No choice have to try to work hard for the subject since I am not very proficient in my command of english. Of the 4 subjects, I perfer Business Statistics the most as it is sort of the Statistics learnt at "A" levels. Taking the subject is just like revising my J2 Mathematics. As mentioned before, I prefer Mathematics to any other subjects, so it can be considered my forte. Another module "Prices and Market" is similar to Microeconomics I took in J1. However, I am more apt at Macroeconomics than Microeconomics, so I have to put in effort for the module despite some prior knowledge. The last module is known as Management Accounting , which is a relatively new subject as it focuses on the first section of Accounting," Management Accoutning".

As an accounting major, I have to do well in accounting subjects if not that defeats the purpose of studying in an accountancy course. I don't know if I am lucky or what, the modules I took somehow is a continuation of the knowledge I learnt in JC, if I haven't taken economics, I might not do well for the Macroeconomics module last semester. Well, I still have to carry on attending lectures, doing prior reading before lectures and most importantly attempt the tutorial questions. Seems like another 13 weeks of "busy"ness is awaiting me, I will try my best. Alright, I end here now.

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