Sunday, January 21, 2007

Strange World

Yesterday, chanced upon a blog by someone who was nearly killed by his mad neighbour, he wrote that how lucky he was to survive and how god must have bless him. This incident was on the news two and a half years ago on the 19th June 2004. I did not know about the incident till yesterday as at that time, I wasn't able to catch the news and was too tired to care about other things.. I think in Chinese we have a saying called “大难不死, 必有后福”which means that since you did not die from a calamity, in future you will have great fortune. I don't know if that guy will read my blog or not, but just want to comment that since he escaped from such a terrifying ordeal, he will have great fortune in the future.

It is not a pleasant experience to be nearly assaulted by a madman, I guessed of I were him, I will be scared till I pee on my pants. So unlucky of him to have a "siao lan" as neighbour. Anyway, the incident has passed and that guy is alright. I just find it strange that how fragile our lifes can be, just an accident or a stab in the heart can cause us our lifes. We are not able to resurrect after we are dead nor are we able to have invincible body that is pain proof, we are just mere beings. Yet with our intelligence, we can cause so much destruction to the world, of course we can also create wonderful things such as love.

If that guy was slashed at the vital parts, he might be gone now. I guessed he is the "unlucky" few to experience that type of thing. I was really shocked to find out about that when I read his blog. I want to confess that I do read the blogs of others as they give me thougths to ponder at times, and that guy's blog is one of them. I am not trying to know him or what just that his blog is rather interesting. Anyway, hope that I will not be in the same predicament like the unlucky guy.

Aiyah, in this world there are so many types of people that it is hard to know what type of people you will meet in life. The world is as as as strange as it is wonderful. Alright, I end here now.

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