Sunday, January 28, 2007


Recently read a book about Hatred felt by human beings. It is sometimes scary to think about the massacre of the Jews or the suicide bombers being heroes in their group. The book did not take stands as to openly term these monstrous acts as sinful, it explores the reasons why they do such acts. You will be shocked to see that to be green with envy is detrimental to one well's being as mentioned in the book.Instead of the normal view most of us have that envy is nothing more than admiration. The author defined " envy is the bitter and resentful feeling that one has in the presence of and toward the person who is perceived as having traits superior to one's own. He later term envy as an amalgam of at least four different conditions: the first being that of the feeling of deprivation, secondly the feeling of being denied because the things we desire are possessed by others. Thirdly, we have a sense of impotence in the face of disparity.the last condition is we do not have what we desire not just that we do not have it but becasue others have it .

Whoa! Next time, I will use admire instead of envy since it entails so many harmful qualities. I guess the terrorist are not as cocky or daring as they might seem. They are just like us humans, they do those monstrous things is because as the book says they envy the life of the westerners and desire to have that kind of life. Sadly being extremists, they blame the westerners for what they do not have and attempt to take away the comfort and luxury they perceived the westerners are having. Of course, most of the world condemn their acts including myself, I can't forgive them for stirring such a period of fear and unrest these 5 years. I am lucky not to be in a community as them, so I can be on the normal side of the world.

There are just too many variations in human beings that at times, there is no sort of right and wrong in the context of our own community. The book merely include envy as one of the elements of hatred but I choose to see it this way that sane crime doers are full of envy for others. There are other factors such as humilation, anger, rage that are mentioned but the point on envy strikes me best. I am no experts in human behaviour like the author is, it is really beyond me to fully comprehend and accept the reasons behind abnormal behaviour such as extreme hatred. What I can say is I will not be so quick to place judgement in future about certain types of people. Hatred can be so scary! Alright, I end here now.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Strange World

Yesterday, chanced upon a blog by someone who was nearly killed by his mad neighbour, he wrote that how lucky he was to survive and how god must have bless him. This incident was on the news two and a half years ago on the 19th June 2004. I did not know about the incident till yesterday as at that time, I wasn't able to catch the news and was too tired to care about other things.. I think in Chinese we have a saying called “大难不死, 必有后福”which means that since you did not die from a calamity, in future you will have great fortune. I don't know if that guy will read my blog or not, but just want to comment that since he escaped from such a terrifying ordeal, he will have great fortune in the future.

It is not a pleasant experience to be nearly assaulted by a madman, I guessed of I were him, I will be scared till I pee on my pants. So unlucky of him to have a "siao lan" as neighbour. Anyway, the incident has passed and that guy is alright. I just find it strange that how fragile our lifes can be, just an accident or a stab in the heart can cause us our lifes. We are not able to resurrect after we are dead nor are we able to have invincible body that is pain proof, we are just mere beings. Yet with our intelligence, we can cause so much destruction to the world, of course we can also create wonderful things such as love.

If that guy was slashed at the vital parts, he might be gone now. I guessed he is the "unlucky" few to experience that type of thing. I was really shocked to find out about that when I read his blog. I want to confess that I do read the blogs of others as they give me thougths to ponder at times, and that guy's blog is one of them. I am not trying to know him or what just that his blog is rather interesting. Anyway, hope that I will not be in the same predicament like the unlucky guy.

Aiyah, in this world there are so many types of people that it is hard to know what type of people you will meet in life. The world is as as as strange as it is wonderful. Alright, I end here now.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


After 2 months of break, to be exact is 62 days of holidays, I am back to studies again. This week have been tiring but not busy though, since Monday till yesterday, it has been lessons in the afternoon everyday. I don't know why they arrange for lessons to be conducted in the afternoons when we are the least effective at learning after lunch. In JC times, I remebered there are no lectures in the afternoon as the teachers know that most students will feel sleepy after a meal.

However, in tertiary institutions, time is precious, so often it is hard to arrange lessons mostly in the mornings. I believe in the local Universities, they also practise the system of having lectures in the afternoons. I have to get used to it, as two of lectures fall on two afternoons during weekdays. Talking about my new semester at SIM. It is nothing different from last semester, taking 4 subjects and having one lecture allocated to one day. I believe I am lucky to have such an arrangement as I am the type who cannot concentrate on too many subjects at one go. At SIM, the students from my course take 4 subjects at the most per semester, it is really manageable to me .

For this new semester, there is one module "Commercial Law" that I find rather dry and difficult, it is about contractual and company laws. No choice have to try to work hard for the subject since I am not very proficient in my command of english. Of the 4 subjects, I perfer Business Statistics the most as it is sort of the Statistics learnt at "A" levels. Taking the subject is just like revising my J2 Mathematics. As mentioned before, I prefer Mathematics to any other subjects, so it can be considered my forte. Another module "Prices and Market" is similar to Microeconomics I took in J1. However, I am more apt at Macroeconomics than Microeconomics, so I have to put in effort for the module despite some prior knowledge. The last module is known as Management Accounting , which is a relatively new subject as it focuses on the first section of Accounting," Management Accoutning".

As an accounting major, I have to do well in accounting subjects if not that defeats the purpose of studying in an accountancy course. I don't know if I am lucky or what, the modules I took somehow is a continuation of the knowledge I learnt in JC, if I haven't taken economics, I might not do well for the Macroeconomics module last semester. Well, I still have to carry on attending lectures, doing prior reading before lectures and most importantly attempt the tutorial questions. Seems like another 13 weeks of "busy"ness is awaiting me, I will try my best. Alright, I end here now.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Start of 2007!

This is the first post of 2007. Tomorrow, lessons will start and it is back to busy days again. During these 2 months of holiday, I thought of a lot of things and for once get my long awaited break. I guess it is the first time I am feeling so relaxed, perhaps there are no holiday tasks to complete and it is already my final stage in my academic path. It is so strange, in the past, we do not feell the pinch when we were asked to pay the school fees, now we pay so much for half a year of studies annually. No wonder foriegners always say that as Singaporeans , we are lucky to have a heavily subsidised education system.

I did not cherish the chance of being able to enter Junior College so I ended up doing badly in my studies. It has always been my wish to enter local University, but nope in the end, I failed. Well, in the past, I would be really sad and depressed, but now it no longer bothers me so as much as it used to be. I am a very organized person, that is what I believed myself to be. My academic life is to move from Primary school to express stream in Secondary School to Junior College to University. Now, it no longer go as planned. People might term me as being stubborn, do I really need to be in University to be considered normal? Still, it is a pity.

I really cherish this chance and plus I forked out money to pay for my school fees too. Fortunately, in NS, I managed to save up quite a bit, and it is now put to good use. I always believe it is good to save at least half of your pocket money or allowance, as you never know when you need it. Of course not to the extent of being stingy, you can make do with cheaper alternatives rather than go for class. I personally do not go for branded goods, afterall, it is just the name that is different.

A plate of Chicken rice in a coffeeshop can sometimes be more delicious than those served in restaurants. It is nothing wrong to go for class but you must be able to afford it. In Chinese, we have a saying, “没有这么大个的头, 就不要戴这么大个的帽子”。(if you do not have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat.) This means do not be too ambitious and act as if you have that ability. If you are not able to afford branded goods, make do with similar goods that offers the same function and with similar characteristics.

I don't know about others, my parents taught us to be thrifty since young, so till now, I do not waste money unnecessarily. Others can exclaim and ask why I managed to save quite a bit, but it is not one year or two years effort, it is accumulated from young. Now, have to use these savings to pay my school fees, I feel the pinch and must make these savings worthwhile. I admit I am more concerned with money, if not I would not choose to study Accountancy. I know accountants undergo a lot of stress, but I prefer figures to dealing with different kinds of people. I don't know if I will end up as an accountnat, it is my wish now.

I envy the eloquency of the sales people, how come they can persuade people to purchase their products so easily? If it was me, I would stumble and even provoke the potential customers. I admire their perserverance, and their tolerance. Some people can be nasty and make things difficult for those doing sales. Currently, I feel I will be the first one to quit if I am in a job which requires me to sell something. In the first place, they would not even hire me as I am not confident and speak monotonously.However, I am that type of person who will avoid sales people, as I know I am going to "lose" some unnecessary money soon. Anyway, they also sledom approach me, as I am definitely not the potential customer type. I feel that if you do not have the intention to buy something from sales people, don't waste one another time. He or She could have got a deal during that period of time.

Try not to vent your frustrations on them, they are just doing their jobs. I don't understand why some people can be so nasty and scold them , embarssing not only the sales people but themselves too. I always believe it is better to leave some leeway for the other party, who knows when you will be in the same predicament as the other party? Aiyah, I am writing such weird things again. Alright, I end here now.