Saturday, July 29, 2006

Going for my studies

On friday, I am officially free from the meaningless things that have been bothering me all these while, It is a relief as I did all I could and all that I want. I did not owe anyone anything and no one owes me anything. Although people might say that being a clerk is really relaxed, the stress that we sometimes go through and the anger that we cannot express sometimes make me wonder why am I here to be scolded by someone who received lesser education than I. There are times when I wanted to shout back but I do not want to be accused of insubordination so I held back. It is true that we only need to experience mental stress unlike the combatants having to endure both physical and mental stress, being treated worse than dogs by some psychotic superiors.

Of course, in the SAF, there are few cases of abuse and exploitation, so our NSFs are treated humanely most of the times. I do not blame the SAF for having such psychotic superiors, the culprits are taking the government money and making lifes of the NSFs very difficult. In any organisation, there will be black sheeps, so it is okay. I am not so stupid as to be verbally abused by these psychotic superiors repeatedly, if they overdo it, I will complain to the higher commanders and make sure that they will learn the lesson of not being too cocky and think of themselves as indispensable. Not to mean any offence, those who scolded vulgarities are those who are not cultured and most of them do not have much tasks. For those who are very busy, they are more capable and too busy to bother about their subordinates. It is important not to be the same as them , as it puts me the same level as them. I do not blame them for being lowly educated, at least I am luckier so why should I degrade myself?

Anyway, be it happy or sad, I am out of the place now, why brood over some idiotic people who once made my life miserable. I admit I am much luckier as I need not endure physical stress and made to do things that are far beyond me. However, it is sometimes hard to accept that you wasted 2 years plus to be abused by people. In the past, I used to be very quiet and the teachers do not even scold me not mention scolding vulgarities. There are also very nice regulars and it is a pleasure to work for them. In these 2 years, I learn not to be bullied by people so easily, and not be bothered by those idiots. I also learn to work with people. I gain a lot of life skills and learn to be humble.

Right now, I believe the idiots cannot make me do anything as I am a civillian and I am able to concentrate on my studies. Fortunately, the amount of fond memories outweighs the amount of upleasant encounters, especially with those idiots. I am ready to lead a new life now. Alright, I end here now.

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