Friday, July 20, 2007

Addition of new Features

Hi to all visitors of my blog, I have added a video bar feature on my blog.Hope it will be a more pleasant experience next time you visit my blog.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Being a Singaporean

National day is less than a month time, and from this year onwards, the National Day Parade will no longer be held at the National Stadium located at Kallang. To me, if you are proud to be a Singaporean, you need not attend the National Day Parade, or be involved. As a Singaporean, I feel that we should be proud of our culture, food and the fact that we live in this country call Singapore. I cannot say that I am very patriotic or possess great knowledge about our nation’s matters, but I can say that I like the fact that I am a Singaporean.

Find it rather sad that some Singaporeans are always comparing the western countries to Singapore and yearning to migrate because they think that life in other countries are better. There is a Chinese saying which goes: “涨他人之气,灭自己威风”。It simply means to hold others in high regard and belittling oneself. Indeed there are many good things to learn from foreigners, but I feel we should not belittle ourselves at the same time.If it was for family, career or even retiring purposes , I can understand that, but There was one particular gal I came across in the forum who said that she is going to migrate just because Singaporeans are lame. I find this type of people pathetic, is they feel that Singaporeans are lame, then aren't they lame themselves too? Besides, given their attitude to others, they will find other unhappy things to lament about even if they get their desired place of residence.

It is ironic to see that there are many foreigners who are interested in our culture and food, yet some Singaporeans are always thinking that life in other countries is better. Perhaps most of us tend to look at the good things other countries have, forgetting that they might get worse things. Of course it is the choices of people to migrate, and I am saying all these because I have not work in the society yet. I feel that no matter where we go, we should remember ourselves as Singaporeans. I have always felt that being in Singapore is a blessing at least in terms of geographical location.

We are blessed to have avoided the catastrophic Tsunami which brought about huge destruction to our neighbouring countries especially Indonesia. Thinking that we are so close to it yet we escaped it, I feel so lucky. Besides the absence of natural disaster, I am glad to say that we enjoy peace and prosperity all these years. and as students, we get heavily subsidised education. In the past, I failed to realise that, now after having to pay almost 30 thousands just for 3.5 years of education made me aware that how lucky we are.I am not propagating nationalistic ideals here, merely writing about my thoughts, for those who disagreed with them; I am not stopping you from doing that. Alright, I end here now.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

New Semester

On Monday, lessons being to commence for me. From now on, lessons are carried out on a part time basis. Initially was not used to the idea of having night lessons. Now, it seems okay, afterall, it is only for 3 nights a week. This sem I am going to take Singapore Company Law, Financial Accounting and Cost Management and Applications( a module that is a continuation of Managament Accounting and Business). All of them are more geared towards the accounting aspect of my course.

Have a lot of coursemates who are working full time and part time, as for me, I am not working, so I should have more time than them. Seeing these people rushing to the lecture theatres and at the same time having to concentrate after a day's work, I wonder what motivates them to do so? Perhaps it is the willingness to gain more knowledge, or maybe it is the large sums of money they have invested in their studies. I feel very fortunate to be able to study without working at the same time. 13 weeks and it will be exam time soon, and then a semster will come to an end. Thinking about this, suddenly feel that time passes faster than I want it to be. Actually, no one can control time, one can only manage his own time.

Well, I must work hard for the next 5 semesters, that is the only "promise" I can give to myself, seeing that many people are being so keen on studies despite working a full day shift. Alright, I end here now.