Saturday, March 03, 2007


On Friday, listen to the second episode of the new version of the "World of Datoufen", DTF told us about one of her project team mate, Wendy in her University. From her narration, I know that Wendy is a beautiful but irresponsible and selfish girl. Well, it is not surprising to find such people, they think that they already have good looks, others will have to let them have their way. Of course there are those who not only have good looks but also possess inner beauty. This type of people is rare nowadays.

To me , no matter how good looking a person is, if he does not have a good character, then the beauty is very shallow, once or twice you will find the person good looking but after you get to know him or her, you will find that actually he or she is not as good looking as you think initially. In the short narration, DTF also mentioned that Wendy attracted a lot of guys to see her and some even term her as goddess, coming from other faculties just to look at her. I believed they are deceived by her good looks, if they get to know her well, then some might even find her ugly, not physically ugly though.

I admit I am one who is often deceived by one's good looks, partly because I am not good looking myself and feel that those who are good looking must be contented and so will not have a bad attitude. I am really fortunate that most good looking people around me possess both good looks and character. For those who are nasty, they do not have good looks and are hated by most people. There are friends who are not so good looking but have a really kind heart. Personally, in my life , I have not met people like Wendy before, but from the narration, I do not have a good impression of the person if that person really exists.

In the episode, DTF also said that Wendy is conceited and self- centred. In my opinion, to be a successful human being, it is important to be confident, assertive but not conceited and arrogant. No doubt you might be good looking, but that does not give you the rights to be irresponsible and selfish. Even if you are very good looking, if you do not have a good character, it won't bring you far in life. Once you are old, your good looks will be gone, till then you will have nothing but your character to rely on.

Moreover, if you are good looking, there are many others who are even better looking than you are. Just like if you think you are clever, there are many others who are smarter and intelligent than you. I did not say that I am humble, but I feel that whatever we do, it is important to do your best confidently and not put in some sloppy work and be conceited. Alright, I end here now.

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