Thursday, August 16, 2007


On Wednesday night, listen to world of DTF, and DTF was blasting off at DNB and ZC over her imminent meeting with Ah toot on Friday. Though it is a fictitious story, it shows the impatience experienced by us at times in life. Many bystanders cannot understand what we are going through and at times blame us totally for that. Indeed, both parties, i.e. the person shouting and the person at the receiving end of such treatment will not feel good. It is avoidable if the party at fault could control his or her emotions beforehand.

However, when that happens, we are not aware of the change in us. It is only after the hurt has been done that we feel guilty. By that time, it is too late. I have hurt my friends and family members a dozen of times due to my impatience, and I do feel guilty after that. Perhaps I am one who gets impatient easily, or that I seem to over-emphasize on small details. I just don't know why we can be so nasty to the innocent party at times. I guessed to avoid such similar incidents, we should find someone to talk to, and at least you know there is someone with you, though not to help you, to listen to you.

It may sound illogical to some but I feel that often it is the build up of overwhelming tension plus impatience that cause us to blast off at people. If you lessen the tension, the "naggy" comments by your close friends and family members will not be so overwhelming to you at that point. The more others nag at you at that time, you seem to be forced away from your train of thoughts and you feel that they have disturbed you and piss you off. So the only way to stop those nagging is to say hurtful remarks to get them off your back. After that, you feel guilty. Now it is worse, on one hand, you feel guilty; on the other hand, you still remain impatient.

Some people I met never seem to be impatient, some are often impatient. There are varying degrees, so it is impossible that there will be no such incidents happening. Besides, what may seem daunting to some may seem trivial to others. Thus, the best way is to avoid the build up of the tension. Again, how many of us are capable of that when we are too engrossed in the problem? It is so strange that we as human beings are not able to control ourselves when we are affected by some problems. Alright, I end here now.


CaRmEn said...

heya...i enjoyed reading ur blog..stay cool YEAH...yep...take care...i think u r a SHE fan yea?haha...

bittergourd said...

Thanks for your comment. Yup! I am a fan of S.H.E, are you one too? I don't go for the sutographs session though, I admire their talents and feel toucehd by their songs.

Anonymous said...

u r a fan of DTF ya~~~
fron DTF blog saw ur name
then read ur blog~~~
ur blog nice
i like it
S.H.E. rocks ya~~~