Friday, March 31, 2006

Finally being accepted

On Wednesday, I was informed by my parents that I am being offered a place in SIM. i was overjoyed, finally I can study after I ORD. Though I still have some reservations, I think I should not ponder anymore. At least I can tell people I am going to study Maths and Econs after I ORD. At least I am not lingering around like a souless spirit, I can be more at ease.

4 more months to ORD, with a place in U, I can really concentrate on my leftover tasks in camp and hopefully, ny the time I ORD, I will not leave behind a lot of work for my understudy. For 1 year 9 months, I have been worrying over my future , now though it is not what I planned for, at least I am not left hanging in the air. Alright, I end here now.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Another Week Gone

Time really past by quickly, it is good in a sense that I am going to ORD soon but somehow I am really scared that even after I ORD I will be jobless, no place in NTU, NUS , and even SIM. After 15 weeks of anxiety, I am greeted with disappointment. Now I have to wait for an additional 8 weeks for the reply. This time round, the feeling is less anxious, a bit sian and the time period is shorter. I have enough of disappointing moments these 3 years, from rejection by the local "U"s to anothre rejection to the bad results, I am really so tired but I have mautred a lot and grown up a lot.

Well, now it is wiser not to think so much, plus there are a lot of work to be done so it is manageable. 21 weeks 3 days to my ORD, just 5 more months and I can stay at home everyday, I should be happy. In 1 month's time, I will be a 2 year soldier and I will get a pay rise plus the additional $100 plus the upcoming holidays so it is not that bad. Alright, I end here now.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Yesterday, just went ot SIM open house, nothing very unusual. Aiyah, come to this point , do I have the right to choose, if I can enter SIM, I will be very happy. This week have been quite busy, the next 2 weeks will be worst, IPPT , lots of stuff to do plus weekend duty. Now have to worry about entry into University. The more I write the more vexed I am so the next 2 weeks are going to be busy, I end here now.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Life still goes on

Last Wednesday, 010306, I finally get to know my 'A' levels results. Aiyah, very sad, not only did I not maintain my previous standard, I deproved. What to do, it is really not easy to study and work at the same time, I had tried my best, it is the papers that are difficult. In the past, I can blame myself but now I just pity myself, after putting in so much effort, after getting so much support, I actually perform badly.

Being rejected by the three U twice, getting not so good results in the A levels, I guessed I am no longer so lucky. Life still goes on, and it is not the end. I am just sad that this time round, I want bettter results, in the end it has to be like that. What is there to cry? Crying will make one feel better but it is a cowardly behaviour. I thought I will be really depressed, but there is so much work in camp that I am too tired to think about this.

Sentry followed by conducting IPPT for Nsmen really tired me out, I do not even have time to go for the open house yesterday. Sometimes, I reallt wonder why I am so hardworking in camp that I neglect my future, just when I need time to think , I do not even get it. It is quite sad, but life still goes on. In 23 weeks 2 days, I am going to ORD but by then will I have a place in the three U, SIM, ACCA or will I have to go out to work? It is the first time I am feeling so lost. Nevertheless, as long as I have the courage to live on, nothing will be impossible. I end here now.