Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chinese New Year Celebration

What a boring CNY! I guessed I am the one to blame for spoiling my CNY. I don't know why I am so vexed. I thought I can put off everything and enjoy my new year but I can't. In 5 weeks time Iam going to get my A-levels results, I am nervous and scared at the same time. What if I do badly, What if I cannot take it What if I sink into depression again.
There are far too many "what if"s I don't want to think about it anymore, I just want to enter U that is all, is it too much to ask for? Is it? I end here now.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

jing di zhi wa( Myopic guy)

Yesterday, just went to Marina Bay to have a steamboatcum barbecue cum buffet dinner. There are altogether ten of us ( Chin, Zhuo, Adrian, Kenny,Royce, myself, Larry, Junhong, Joseph and Ivan). On the journey there, I thought about my new year resolution. I dun know, I know I have brighten up a lot but somehow thre seem to be something missing. I know I will always be this myopic and low self esteem guy. I will always be this jing di zhi wa, kinda sad but I am really happy to have everything I yearn for. Does looks really play a vital part in a person's life? Or am I too concerned with looks? nevermind, I just want to be a normal guy, that's all.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Heck Care Attitude

All of the sudden, nothing excites me nor upsets me, I become so indifferent in such a short period of time. Yestserday, just performed duty clerk, luckily, it was peaceful. I am always this lucky when it comes to doing duty. There are indeed unpleasant incidents and people but what is the use of brooding over them. Just 32 weeks, I am going to ORD, the feeling is strange. Now the most important thing is my results which I will be getting on the first week of March. If everything turns up well, then, there isn't anything for me to feel vexed over anymore.
For the past 1 year 8months, it has been a tumultous period, with extremely happy incidents and extremely irritating incidents. There are inevitably some people whom I provoke and even hurt during this period. I am sorry for being insensible and childish and over paranoid.Nothing more to add, just that I can ORD in one piece with my family anf friends safe and sound.