This is a really nice song by Fish Leong, it is not those sweet lovey dovey songs, rather a song that made the listener feel very sad and helpless. At least that applys to me. Here are the lyrics:
在东京铁塔 第一次眺望
看灯火模仿 坠落的星光
我终於到达 但却更悲伤
一个人完成 我们的梦想
你总说 时间还很多 你可以等我
以前我不懂得 未必明天 就有以后
想念是会呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落
哼你爱的歌会痛 看你的信会痛 连沉默也痛
遗憾是会呼吸的痛 它流在血液中来回滚动
后悔不贴心会痛 恨不懂你会痛 想见不能见最痛
没看你脸上 张扬过哀伤
那是种多麼 寂寞的倔强
你拆了城墙 让我去流浪
在原地等我 把自己捆绑
你没说 你也会软弱 需要倚赖我
我就装不晓得 自由移动 自我地过
想念是会呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落
哼你爱的歌会痛 看你的信会痛 连沉默也痛
遗憾是会呼吸的痛 它流在血液中来回滚动
后悔不贴心会痛 恨不懂你会痛 想见不能最痛
灵魂像飘浮着 你在就好了
怕心被人触碰 你回来那就好了
(Extracted from Youtube account iilovemayday )
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
《鬥牛要不要》片尾曲 - 你最近还好吗
地址寫的是心底 你能不能收到它天有點冷
風有點大 城市寧靜而喧嘩
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
昨天遠了 明天還長 回憶模糊但巨大
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
地址寫的是心底 你能不能收到它天有點冷
風有點大 城市寧靜而喧嘩
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
昨天遠了 明天還長 回憶模糊但巨大
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
你最近還好嗎 是不是也在思念裏掙紮
你說會記得我 還記得嗎
忙碌嗎累嗎 心還會痛嗎
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Psychological Test
Got this from a fellow blogger's site, quite fun. It tells you what type of "animal" you are, by entering your date of birth and gender.

You are Blue Sheep type, who is gentle to others and have calm attitude and a quiet atmosphere around you. You can make other people feel good, and yet at the same time you have a natural instinct to see people's insight. You can turn things into your own pace as well.You are a person of knowledge, and can provide wide range of information. You are very quick on trends.Unlike your outlooks, you have guts to fight. You can build relationships based on each other's interests.You have a will power to achieve your set objective by carefully planning your schedules.Although you have bright brains and clear mind to analyze things, you tend to leave the decision on lapse of time. Your weakness is you can be slow on decision making and putting into action.You are good at competition and have great ambition. Your success lies in cooperating with others and trying to be helpful to others.You put priority in economics, and try to stable the household budget.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
"Drop the PInk Elephant"
Drop the Pink Elephant", what is a Pink Elephant? That is my initial reaction when I read the title of the book. After reading the introduction, I know it is about effective communications, and the author had devised a 21 steps "formula" to personal communication heaven. The author, Bill McFarlan, broadcaster and communications expert, had coined the term “Pink Elephant”. Pink Elephants are unnecessary negatives that clutter our conversation.
What are negatives to communication? They can be words like “didn’t” in “ I didn't mean it,” the “no” in “I mean no offence”. I initially thought that there is nothing wrong with such sentences but the book explained that these sentences actually bring the other party to the "real" meaning of their intentions. In the book, there was this example of Paul Burrell, former butler to the late Princess Diana, told BBC that his intention for narrating his story was never about money. He went on to say that the 300,000 pounds deal with the Daily Mirror would pay off his debts. Isn't his real intention of telling his story about paying his debts? Nobody questioned him if he told his story in order to pay his debts but he blurted it out himself by denying his real intention, i.e. paying his debts. That is what I interpreted from the example with the help of the book.
There is another interesting topic in the book, "Sorry seems to be the hardest word". How true is that? If we asked ourselves how many times when we know the fault is on us yet we refused to say sorry. I am not saying that I am someone who says sorry easily, but it is interesting to know that such a simple word yet it is often left unsaid. If we come to realise our mistakes, and the quicker we apologise, then the quicker the growing tension will evaporate. Sometimes, I find it puzzling that just because I refuse to be the one apologising that I end up feeling awkward with my friend. If one of us had apologised, then all would be well.
The book had provided the 3 "R"s solution, (not reuse, recycle and reduce), rather Regret, Reason, Remedy. First you apologise to express Regret for the mistake made, then you provide a Reason to explain why you made that mistake, last but not least, you provide a Remedy to prevent a recurrence of the problem. The 3 "R"s could be applied to a small matter such a late arrival for an appointment. You apologise for the late arrival, next you provide a reason for your late arrival, (of course not lies!) and finally you come up with a remedy such as I will be punctual next time or I will treat you to lunch.
It is amazing how we could make so much difference by practising the 3 "R"s in communication, yet how many of us do that?, not even myself. I am not trying to promote the book nor trying to be a "wise" guy, rather just sharing what I have learned from the book. Alright, I end here now.
What are negatives to communication? They can be words like “didn’t” in “ I didn't mean it,” the “no” in “I mean no offence”. I initially thought that there is nothing wrong with such sentences but the book explained that these sentences actually bring the other party to the "real" meaning of their intentions. In the book, there was this example of Paul Burrell, former butler to the late Princess Diana, told BBC that his intention for narrating his story was never about money. He went on to say that the 300,000 pounds deal with the Daily Mirror would pay off his debts. Isn't his real intention of telling his story about paying his debts? Nobody questioned him if he told his story in order to pay his debts but he blurted it out himself by denying his real intention, i.e. paying his debts. That is what I interpreted from the example with the help of the book.
There is another interesting topic in the book, "Sorry seems to be the hardest word". How true is that? If we asked ourselves how many times when we know the fault is on us yet we refused to say sorry. I am not saying that I am someone who says sorry easily, but it is interesting to know that such a simple word yet it is often left unsaid. If we come to realise our mistakes, and the quicker we apologise, then the quicker the growing tension will evaporate. Sometimes, I find it puzzling that just because I refuse to be the one apologising that I end up feeling awkward with my friend. If one of us had apologised, then all would be well.
The book had provided the 3 "R"s solution, (not reuse, recycle and reduce), rather Regret, Reason, Remedy. First you apologise to express Regret for the mistake made, then you provide a Reason to explain why you made that mistake, last but not least, you provide a Remedy to prevent a recurrence of the problem. The 3 "R"s could be applied to a small matter such a late arrival for an appointment. You apologise for the late arrival, next you provide a reason for your late arrival, (of course not lies!) and finally you come up with a remedy such as I will be punctual next time or I will treat you to lunch.
It is amazing how we could make so much difference by practising the 3 "R"s in communication, yet how many of us do that?, not even myself. I am not trying to promote the book nor trying to be a "wise" guy, rather just sharing what I have learned from the book. Alright, I end here now.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
"If Only"
If only" Two short and simple words yet used so frequently in our lives. "If" often suggests desires such as If I could earn 1 million in 1 year. "Only" in this context suggests exclusivity. Put together "if only" tend to indicate regrets, helplessness and unhappiness. Examples of "if only" situations include: If only I have put in more hard work, I will not be struggling in my studies now, If only I was more careful with my spending, I wouldn't incur such huge debts. If only I was more considerate, he wouldn't be hurt by my hurtful words.In my opinion,
"If only" can be applied to small situations such as quarrels to major life decisions such as career and even marriage. I think it is inevitable that we will use the phrase "If only" in our lives. If only is different from If in that if can suggests desires and regrets but if only is limited to past events, and most of the time wrong decisions made. Read a book entitled "if only" by Neal Rose. Initially, thought that it is a simple book to comprehend, nope I was wrong. Neal Rose, according to the book, is one of the world's top scientists studying regret.
It is indeed inevitable that thoughts about "if only" will be present in our lives but the book taught the readers how to manage our regret style to maximize the gain and minimize the regret. I sort of capture the essence of the book, i.e. don't always feel that you are in the worst situation, and consider how a bad situation could have gone even worse. For instance, if you are lamenting about not being able to be in the desired career of your life, why not consider how your life will be if you don't have a job at all?
I try to apply to myself by thinking that I will be worse off if I don't even have the chance to pursue a tertiary education. Of course, I myself feel that this is merely a different way of looking at things, what is done cannot be unchanged. However, instead of regretting, why not consider the benefits of the alternative. Hope that those who happened to read this entry could live with less regrets and be more positive in life. Alright, I end here now.
"If only" can be applied to small situations such as quarrels to major life decisions such as career and even marriage. I think it is inevitable that we will use the phrase "If only" in our lives. If only is different from If in that if can suggests desires and regrets but if only is limited to past events, and most of the time wrong decisions made. Read a book entitled "if only" by Neal Rose. Initially, thought that it is a simple book to comprehend, nope I was wrong. Neal Rose, according to the book, is one of the world's top scientists studying regret.
It is indeed inevitable that thoughts about "if only" will be present in our lives but the book taught the readers how to manage our regret style to maximize the gain and minimize the regret. I sort of capture the essence of the book, i.e. don't always feel that you are in the worst situation, and consider how a bad situation could have gone even worse. For instance, if you are lamenting about not being able to be in the desired career of your life, why not consider how your life will be if you don't have a job at all?
I try to apply to myself by thinking that I will be worse off if I don't even have the chance to pursue a tertiary education. Of course, I myself feel that this is merely a different way of looking at things, what is done cannot be unchanged. However, instead of regretting, why not consider the benefits of the alternative. Hope that those who happened to read this entry could live with less regrets and be more positive in life. Alright, I end here now.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
On Wednesday night, listen to world of DTF, and DTF was blasting off at DNB and ZC over her imminent meeting with Ah toot on Friday. Though it is a fictitious story, it shows the impatience experienced by us at times in life. Many bystanders cannot understand what we are going through and at times blame us totally for that. Indeed, both parties, i.e. the person shouting and the person at the receiving end of such treatment will not feel good. It is avoidable if the party at fault could control his or her emotions beforehand.
However, when that happens, we are not aware of the change in us. It is only after the hurt has been done that we feel guilty. By that time, it is too late. I have hurt my friends and family members a dozen of times due to my impatience, and I do feel guilty after that. Perhaps I am one who gets impatient easily, or that I seem to over-emphasize on small details. I just don't know why we can be so nasty to the innocent party at times. I guessed to avoid such similar incidents, we should find someone to talk to, and at least you know there is someone with you, though not to help you, to listen to you.
It may sound illogical to some but I feel that often it is the build up of overwhelming tension plus impatience that cause us to blast off at people. If you lessen the tension, the "naggy" comments by your close friends and family members will not be so overwhelming to you at that point. The more others nag at you at that time, you seem to be forced away from your train of thoughts and you feel that they have disturbed you and piss you off. So the only way to stop those nagging is to say hurtful remarks to get them off your back. After that, you feel guilty. Now it is worse, on one hand, you feel guilty; on the other hand, you still remain impatient.
Some people I met never seem to be impatient, some are often impatient. There are varying degrees, so it is impossible that there will be no such incidents happening. Besides, what may seem daunting to some may seem trivial to others. Thus, the best way is to avoid the build up of the tension. Again, how many of us are capable of that when we are too engrossed in the problem? It is so strange that we as human beings are not able to control ourselves when we are affected by some problems. Alright, I end here now.
However, when that happens, we are not aware of the change in us. It is only after the hurt has been done that we feel guilty. By that time, it is too late. I have hurt my friends and family members a dozen of times due to my impatience, and I do feel guilty after that. Perhaps I am one who gets impatient easily, or that I seem to over-emphasize on small details. I just don't know why we can be so nasty to the innocent party at times. I guessed to avoid such similar incidents, we should find someone to talk to, and at least you know there is someone with you, though not to help you, to listen to you.
It may sound illogical to some but I feel that often it is the build up of overwhelming tension plus impatience that cause us to blast off at people. If you lessen the tension, the "naggy" comments by your close friends and family members will not be so overwhelming to you at that point. The more others nag at you at that time, you seem to be forced away from your train of thoughts and you feel that they have disturbed you and piss you off. So the only way to stop those nagging is to say hurtful remarks to get them off your back. After that, you feel guilty. Now it is worse, on one hand, you feel guilty; on the other hand, you still remain impatient.
Some people I met never seem to be impatient, some are often impatient. There are varying degrees, so it is impossible that there will be no such incidents happening. Besides, what may seem daunting to some may seem trivial to others. Thus, the best way is to avoid the build up of the tension. Again, how many of us are capable of that when we are too engrossed in the problem? It is so strange that we as human beings are not able to control ourselves when we are affected by some problems. Alright, I end here now.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
I am sure each of us have our fair share of happy and sad moments. I have this weird thinking at times that if our minds can be like computers, where we can access the "information" ie. memories; I would like to send some of the large and detrimental files to the recycle bin. I can run a virus scan and prevent my "computer" from being corrupted. As human beings, we are inundated with the vast amount of information everyday. The drama we see, the commercial we watch, the news, the demands of our academic, working and family aspects of our life. At times, there are just far too much for me to handle.
Frankly speaking, I am having bad memories that come about every now and then, making me lose motivation in the tasks I do. Much as I try to control myself, I still cannot totally forget the disappointing and unpleasant moments in my "life". That is why I yearn to do some "file" management and get rid of these bad memories. I don't know why I am so pessimistic, it is not something to be proud of.
All these lead to me being overly-emotional and agitated at times. Emotions are just so weird, we are affected by them but we cannot live without them, if not we are just like machines, who are merely tools and have no "life". I guessed I am emotional even at this instant if not I will not write this entry that I will not do in the past. Alright, I ened here now.
Frankly speaking, I am having bad memories that come about every now and then, making me lose motivation in the tasks I do. Much as I try to control myself, I still cannot totally forget the disappointing and unpleasant moments in my "life". That is why I yearn to do some "file" management and get rid of these bad memories. I don't know why I am so pessimistic, it is not something to be proud of.
All these lead to me being overly-emotional and agitated at times. Emotions are just so weird, we are affected by them but we cannot live without them, if not we are just like machines, who are merely tools and have no "life". I guessed I am emotional even at this instant if not I will not write this entry that I will not do in the past. Alright, I ened here now.
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